Monday, August 22, 2011

Bird Bath Remix!

upon seeing the light i finished the piece. the strength of any structure depends on a strong base. the project that began in 2006 finds it's conclusion five years later.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the "Pipe & Oak" series

the Xylobench @ the Frozen Monkey Cafethe T-bench XL in action
dining T-benches @ the Frozen Monkey Cafe
commercial or residential, customized to your needs.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cast Concrete!!!

from the UFC studios comes a unique birdbath. a popular item for all those bird lovers out there. a wonderful addition to any backyard.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

the twist

bronze and glass, 36"x31"H

kudzu, the killer vine

bronze, wood and glass. table 54"x54"x31" bench 54"x21"x18"

Monday, October 27, 2008

the stick series

stick table #3 materials: bronze with glass insert.
height 31" x depth 12" x width 48"
stick table #4 materials: bronze
height 30" x width 24"
stick table #2 materials: bronze w/ wood insert.
height 30" x depth 24" x width 24"